
These pages were created to share information on important topics such as

  • health freedom and the weaponization of ‘public health’

  • Government spending and taxation — and tax resistance

  • housing — and related issues such as land-use policies

(If time permits I might publish some articles on Natural Law.)

These are contentious topics, and my take on them is not necessarily ‘popular’. I haven’t engaged in this outreach to court controversy. I have done so because

  1. people are not properly informed on these topics (either due to misinformation or simple lack of information); and

  2. people grossly underestimate the implications of misinformation, its effects on laws and policies, and consequently on the ‘social fabric’.

Outreach vs lobbying

The goal of these efforts (leafleting, etc.) is to raise awareness and understanding amongst the general public — i.e. ‘lay people’ and non-politicians — about these important issues. This is fundamentally different to ‘lobbying’, which is directed at politicians, policy-makers and legislators, with little or no regard to or consideration of non-politicians — or their opinions or level of knowledge and understanding.

The goal of outreach is education and awareness-raising — amongst everyone (including politicians if they are receptive to the information). On the other hand, the goal of ‘lobbying’ (and to a certain extent ‘petitioning’) is to bring about changes in legislation and Government policies. These are fundamentally different goals, and I think it is worthwhile to understand and acknowledge the difference.

My intention here is not to disparage people who focus on lobbying and petitioning, but it is not where I personally am focusing my time and energy right now (as of early 2025).


The act of ‘protesting’ can probably contain elements of both outreach and lobbying. If I personally participate in protests, nowadays, it is mainly for the former purpose (outreach) rather than ‘lobbying’.

Have more questions?

If the purpose of these pages is still not clear to you, I have tried to answer more questions on a separate page.