Homeowners are not the problem
Homeowners are not the cause of the housing crisis
CO2 obsession - an ignored factor in the struggle for housing
Our obsession with 'CO2 emissions' and 'sustainable development' is a huge factor in the housing crisis. But few people are talking about it.
Do we have a right to health care?
What many people refer to as health care is not actually health care in the first place. But supposing that it was ...
Natural rights
A brief discussion of rights, and a defense of Natural Rights
Housing - Articles and leaflets
A summary of the articles and leaflets disussing this topic
Are some people destitute through their own fault?
This article briefly examines the argument that some people are destitute or homeless through their own fault.
Land use and housing
This article looks at zoning and land-use policies and how they are partly responsible for the housing shortage. It also briefly examines the Waterford Development Plan 2022-2028.
Voluntary mutual aid vs forced taxation
Although I am deeply skeptical of taxation as a means to 'keep society running', I believe in 'helping each other' - meaning voluntary sharing, charity, and various other means. This article discusses the difference between these two outlooks.